Friday, February 1, 2008


Since I've been tagged twice this last couple weeks I decided I would just pick one and have it count for both!

1. What time did you get up this morning? Around 7:00

2.What do you usually have for breakfast? Cereal

3.What is your favorite CD at the moment? I have lots of favorites!

4.What kind of car do you drive? A Hyundai Elantra

5.Favorite Sandwhich? The Gandolfo sandwich. Yum!!

6.Favorite item of clothing? Velor pants and jacket

7.If you could go anywhere on a vacation, where would you go? To Europe or somewhere tropical

8.What color is your bathroom? Deep red, green, gold, tan, etc.

9.Where would you retire? Near my children and grandchildren

10.Most memorable birthday? My 16th. I was at Disney World with my family on my birthday.

11.Favorite sport to watch? gymnastics or ice skating

12.Are you a morning or night person? Neither but more a night person

13.What is your shoe size? 8

14.Pets? A dog kinda. Bosco is living at my in-laws house right now.

15.What did you want to be when you were little? A mommy for sure!

16.What are you today? A mommy, IBO for Goyin, & I work at the Gap(Discount)

17.What is your favorite candy? Fudge

18.Your favorite flower? Roses

19.What is a day on the calendar that you are looking forward to? Valentines day

20.What are you listening to right now? The music on my blog.

21.What is the last thing you ate? A sandwich

22.Do you wish on stars? not really

23.What faith are you? I belong to the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

24.Who was the last person you spoke with on the phone? My mom

25.Hair color? Blond

26.Name one of your favorite school teachers? Mr. Ruckti( not sure if I spelled that right)

27.Chocolate or vanilla? Chocolate

28.When was the last time you cried? A couple weeks ago on Sun. night after I heard the news about President Hinckley's death.

29.What is under your bed? The New Moon book. Just finished Twilight!

30.What did you do last night? Watched American Idol

31.favorite smell? Baby lotion & the smell of anything baking!

32.What are you afraid of? Something really bad happening to my family.

33.How many towns have you lived in? 8

34.Do you make friends easily? yup

35. I am going to tag: Brianna! Have a good time!


missy d said...

Hey Shaina! I loved your answers to your TAG questions! I learned so many new things about you! I'm so glad you found my blog! Let's hang out soon...we totally miss you guys!

Bri or Aaron said...

Hey babe! Thanks for the tag! I was going to ask you...any luck with a positive sign???? I sure miss you and everyone else up north!!